A social security card, also known as a "shebao ka" (社保卡) in China, serves as a primary form of identification for social security benefits, including medical insurance (医疗保险). The medical insurance aspect of the social security card is particularly important for accessing healthcare services and covering medical expenses.

Here are the key details about medical insurance associated with the social security card in China:


Types of Medical Insurance:

In China, there are several types of medical insurance plans:

Urban Employee Medical Insurance (城镇职工医疗保险):

This is for urban employees and their employers, who contribute to the insurance plan.

Urban Resident Medical Insurance (城镇居民医疗保险):

This covers nonworking urban residents such as children, students, and elderly individuals.

New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance (新型农村合作医疗保险):

This is for rural residents and provides them with medical insurance coverage.



The medical insurance associated with the social security card covers a range of healthcare services, including outpatient and inpatient care, prescription medications, and specific medical procedures. The exact benefits depend on the type of insurance plan and the specific policy coverage.



When you visit a hospital or clinic, you can use your social security card to access medical services. The card is swiped, and your medical insurance information is verified. This allows you to receive treatment and pay the reduced rates according to your insurance plan.


Coverage Areas:

The medical insurance coverage area may vary depending on your type of insurance and your place of registration. It's important to know whether your insurance is accepted in the healthcare facility you plan to visit.



Contributions for medical insurance are made by both employers and employees for urban employees, while other types of insurance might involve personal contributions or government subsidies.



Depending on your insurance plan, certain medical expenses might be reimbursed after treatment. This process may involve submitting receipts and other documents to the insurance provider.


Renewal and Maintenance:

It is important to maintain and renew your social security card regularly to ensure your medical insurance coverage remains active.

If you have a specific question regarding medical insurance and your social security card, feel free to ask!






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